12 New Nagar Van/vatika Projects Approved

Jun30,2024 | Gautam Jalandhari | Chandigarh

Work pertaining to preparing wooden crates, fencing post, vermi compost commences at Bathinda

Forest Department committed to a clean & green Punjab 

The Punjab Government led by the Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann is undertaking every possible steps to ensure a clean and green environment. As part of this, the Forest and Wildlife Preservation Department has done yeoman's work under the guidance of Minister Lal Chand Kataruchak.

During the year 2023-24, under the Nagar Van Yojana, the departments has been successful in getting a total of 12 Nagar Van/Vatika projects sanctioned from the Union Government which would entail a cost of Rs. 265.958 Lakhs.Under the State Authority CAMPA scheme, 100 toilets have been constructed in as many nurseries at the cost of Rs. 3 crore for ensuring hygienic conditions for the employees especially the females. During 2024-25, many more are in the offing.

Also, in Pathankot a Silkworm rearing project is being initiated at a cost of Rs. 3.75 crore which would be beneficial to 136 farmers. 

Apart from this, the Subordinate Services Selection Board has appointed 72 Clerks, 2 Deputy Rangers, 2 Foresters and 199 Forest Guards in the department and requisite training is being provided to them.The Department is getting high quality polythene bags manufactured with the aid of the State of the art machines in a factory set up at Hoshiarpur. The Punjab State Forest Development Corporation during the year 2023 - 24 has begun the work of Fencing Post, Vermi Compost and Wooden Crates at Bathinda.

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