Green Land Sr. Sec. Public school organises calligraphy Activity

Dec15,2021 | Balraj Khanna | Ludhiana

Handwriting is an art form. Just like painting, drawing and sketching, this art can be developed by individuals with some effort. From the Greek words that mean beauty and writing come the good word calligraphy Good handwriting makes an impression on the reader. English calligraphy was conducted for the little buds of class I and II. The sole aim was to motivate them to improve their handwriting and learn the beautiful art of writing well. All the children participated with great zeal and exuberance. The Chairman, Chain of Green Land Schools, Dr. Rajesh Rudhra said that our handwriting style depicts our personality traits and good handwriting is the mirror of knowledge. The Principal, Mrs. Baldeep Pandher, lauded the efforts of the students and inspired students to improve their handwriting skills.


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