Adc Holds Meeting To Assess Flood Control Arrangements

Jun5,2024 | Balraj Khanna | Ludhiana

Administration fully prepared to tackle any kind of situation

Additional Deputy Commissioner (G) Major Amit Sareen on Wednesday stated that district administration is fully prepared to tackle any kind of flood-like situation. 

In a virtual review meeting, Sareen passed on directions to all the concerned departments regarding flood management in the district. He asked the officers that the duty roster of staff to be appointed in the district level control room should be finalized at the earliest. He also asked the officials to strengthen flood prone sensitive places to minimize damage in the possibility of any flood including embankments of Sutlej and Buddha Dariya. He said that the district administration would make adequate arrangements to deal any sort of situation in the wake of the rainy season. 

The Additional Deputy Commissioner said that the contingent plan must be prepared by every department to ensure they are equipped to tackle any sort of situation by filling all gaps in the planning. He also said that the evacuation plan, in case of flood, must also be finalized along with the safe places where the residents of flood prone areas would be shifted, if required. He also reviewed the arrangements made by Food & Supply, Irrigation, Power, Drainage, Municipal Corporation and Police department for tackling the situation, in case of floods.


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