Green Land Senior Secondary Public School Welcomes Students Back After Summer Vacation

Jul4,2024 | Gautam Jalandhari | Ludhiana

The hallways of Green Land Senior Secondary Public School came alive with cheers and laughter today as students from all grades returned after a rejuvenating summer break. Teachers lined the entrance, faces beaming with smiles, to welcome their eager students. The school buzzed with renewed energy as students, from the wide-eyed kindergarteners to the focused seniors, reconnected with classmates and swapped stories of their summer escapades. Colorful banners and balloons adorned the corridors, creating a vibrant atmosphere that mirrored the students excitement for the year ahead. The chairman of the Chain of Green Land Schools, Dr.Rajesh Rudhra said that reopening of school after summer break is a time for new aspirations and rejuvenating dreams. It is time to enter the school with new vigour and fresh vibes. The Principal Mrs. Baldeep Pandher welcomed the students. She was happy to see them and motivated them to Get - Set - Go with academic and co- curricular activities with zeal and enthusiasm.


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