Medical Officers Guest Lecture At Ncc Camp

Jul4,2024 | Jagrati Lahar Bureau | Ludhiana

During Combined Annual Training Camp 57 of 3 Punjab Girls battalion National Cadet Corps being conducted at GHG Khalsa College Gurusar Sudhar, from 02 July 2024 to 11July 2024, cadets were privileged to attend a lecture delivered by AMO, CHC Sudhar Dr Sudhir Shyam . The AMO emphasized the importance of maintaining peak physical condition during training and operations. Topics covered included nutrition, hydration, and the significance of regular exercise routines tailored for endurance and strength. The AMO stressed the importance of quick response and effective communication during emergencies.Addressing preventive measures, the lecture highlighted the significance of immunizations, personal hygiene, and sanitation in maintaining a healthy environment in camp settings. Tips on managing common ailments such as colds, allergies, and minor injuries were also shared.Recognizing the mental challenges often faced during intensive training, the AMO discussed strategies for stress management, including mindfulness exercises and the importance of seeking help when needed. Maintaining a positive mindset and supporting fellow cadets were encouraged.Cadets were briefed on adherence to health regulations and discipline in camp, stressing the role of personal responsibility in maintaining overall health standards. The AMO underscored the impact of individual actions on the collective well-being of the unit.An interactive Q&A session followed the lecture, allowing cadets to seek clarification on various health-related topics. This session fostered a deeper understanding and engagement among attendees.Overall, the AMo’s lecture was a comprehensive guide that not only equipped cadets with essential medical knowledge but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards their own health and that of their peers. The insights gained are invaluable for both the duration of their camp experience and their future roles as responsible citizens and potential leaders in society.The program was culminated with a informative talk by camp commandant Col RS Chuahan.


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