Fire Fighting Lectur For Girl Cadets

Jul5,2024 | Gautam Jalandhari | Ludhiana

Around 200 girls cadets of 3 Punjab Girls Battalion NCC , from more than 10 institutions of Ludhiana are attending combined Annual Training Camp being conducted from 2 July to 11 July at GHG Khalsa College Sudar, under the agies of Camp Commandant Col Rakesh Singh Chauhan. Regress military training imparted to the cadets would provide a platform to these girls to become confident and proud citizens who would contribute towards nation building, irrespective of the kind of carrier these cadets wish to choose in future. Addressing these motivated and highly spirited girl cadets, Col RS Chuahan emphasized the need for maximum number of girls to join NCC. He assured the cadets that his motivated team of instructors from the Army, Girl Cadet Instructors, and Associate NCC Officers will inculcates qualities of comradeship, integrity, team spirit, discipline and benevolence amongst the cadets. Training being impacted to the cadets ,specially to the girls would empower them to fight any kind of violence and abuse that they may face in their day to day lives which is great need of today world where many a times women are ill treated by some. The NCC camps day was a resounding success, beginning with a practical and engaging self-defense session by Mr. Raj Kumar. Mr Rajkumar trained girl cadets in self defence technique which is must nowdays. A guest lecture was also organised by Fire Officer Mr. Dharminder Singh, Suba Singh, Baljeet Singh and Satinder Pal singh , from Fire fighting office, on fire safety measures and precautions. Fire safety is a topic related to the curriculum and it is useful in day to day life. They explained many points like the fire triangle, causes of fire, stages of fighting fire, classification of fire, types of fire extinguishers, means of quick escapes and rescues etc. He also informed about prevailing new sophisticated technologies for fire prevention, detection and fire fighting. Students gained the technical know – how about fire fighting and learnt basic details of practical implication. In all, the lecture was informative for all. The camp commandant Col Rakesh Singh Chauhan motivated cadets to participate wholeheartedly in upcoming national camps, emphasizing the invaluable experiences and lifelong skills they offer. Speaking to a captivated audience of cadets, the Commandant highlighted the profound impact these camps can have on personal development, national pride, and camaraderie. Highlighting the benefits, the Commandant said, "Participation in national camps will not only enhance your physical and mental stamina but also enrich your understanding of teamwork, leadership


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