Dc Urges Youth To Be ‘green Warriors’ For Green And Clean Ludhiana

Jun5,2024 | Gautam Jalandhari | Ludhiana

DC, ADC and GLADA ACA and Assistant Commissioner plant saplings in Sutlej club

Deputy Commissioner Sakshi Sawhney on Wednesday appealed to the youth to become green warriors and said that they must strive hard to save the plant from climate distress.

The Deputy Commissioner along with Additional Deputy Commissioner Anmol Singh Dhaliwal, GLADA Additional Chief Administrator Ojasvi Alankar and Assistant Commissioner Kritika Goyal planted saplings in the Sutlej club to mark World Environment Day on Wednesday.

Sawhney said that it was the duty of everyone to make earnest efforts for protecting the environment adding that youth can play an instrumental role in this entire process by galvanizing more and more people to make such drives a mass movement. She stated that trees play a crucial role by conserving natural resources and improving the environment.

Describing this as a social and moral responsibility of every individual, She said that the district administration was fully committed towards making this mission a huge success. She said that students must disseminate the message of enhancing green cover in the district, so that more and more people were made aware of its importance.

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