Alumnus . Ram Kumar Mittal, Founder & President Of Swami International, Usa, Inspires Students During Campus Visit To Pec

Apr19,2024 | Gautam Jalandhari | Ludhiana

Alumnus Sh. Ram Kumar Mittal, Founder & President of Swami International, USA, Inspires Students During Campus Visit to PEC ---Alumnus Sh. Ram Kumar Mittal, esteemed founder and President of Swami International, USA, graced the campus of Punjab Engineering College (PEC) on 18th April, 2024, sparking inspiration and motivation among final year students through an engaging interactive session. Mr. Ram Kumar Mittal is the esteemed founder and President of Swami International, USA, a leading organization committed to fostering innovation and excellence in the global marketplace. With a distinguished career spanning decades, Mr. Mittal is widely recognized for his visionary leadership and relentless pursuit of excellence. Professor Rajesh Kanda, Head, Alumni, Corporate And International Relations (HACIR), Professor Jimmy Karloopia, Professor-in-charge of Alumni Affairs, Ms. Rajinder Kaur, Alumni Relations Manager, Professor Poonam Saini, Head of the Career Development and Guidance Cell (CDGC), and Ms. Baljeet Sidhu, Assistant Manager of CDGC welcomed Mr. Mittal with warmth and reverence. Professor Rajesh Kanda and Professor Poonam Saini introduced Mr. Mittal to the students by shedding light on his life and work. During his visit, Mr. Mittal shared invaluable life experiences and success stories, encouraging students to pursue their dreams with passion and perseverance. His insightful anecdotes resonated deeply with the eager minds, instilling a sense of purpose and determination. After the enriching session, Mr. Mittal embarked on a nostalgic campus tour, reminiscing about his own memorable moments spent at PEC. The walk down memory lane served as a testament to his enduring connection with his alma mater and reaffirmed the timeless bond between alumni and institution. Mr. Mittals visit not only served as a source of inspiration but also strengthened the bond between the illustrious alumni and the vibrant community at PEC. His enduring legacy continues to inspire the next generation of leaders, instilling in them the values of perseverance, innovation, and excellence.


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