· need To Safeguard Democracy: Tewari · says, Elections Fight For Justice For Common Man

Apr17,2024 | Jagrati Lahar Bureau | Chandigarh

Senior Congress leader and joint candidate from India Alliance from Chandigarh parliamentary constituency Manish Tewari today said that the current elections were being fought for saving the democracy in the country, besides fighting for justice for the common man. Addressing a series of functions organized in the city to mark the Ramnavami celebration and a meeting of representatives of 22 villages organised at party head office Chandigarh, Tewari said, the common man in the country was suffering the most because of the widespread unemployment and back breaking price rise. He pointed out that for a common man, it was difficult to make both ends meet. He said, while the incomes were dwindling, the prices of all essential commodities were increasing. Tewari said the Congress during UPA rule had brought several people-friendly schemes like the Food Security Act, the MGNREGA and the direct transfer of subsidies to the individual beneficiaries. The current regime, he alleged, only made hollow promises, without doing anything at the ground. He said, ten years of the BJP rule had pushed crores of people again below the poverty line. Among others, H.S Lucky President Chandigarh Congress Committee, Ex-Mayor Surinder Singh, Pawan Sharma senior leader, Kuldeep Singh Ex-Chairman Zila Parsad, Lachman Singh Ex-Sarpanch, Lakhwinder Singh Sandhu Ex-Sarpanch, Balbir Sngh, Balbir Singh Palsora, Vijay Rana, Gurdeep Singh Palsora, Manoj Lubiana Youth Congress President, S.S Parwana, Mohan Rana were also present.


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