*massive Rescue Efforts Underway To Rescue Workers Trapped In Factory Roof Collapse Incident*

Mar8,2025 | Surinder Arora Soni | Ludhiana

*Minister Mundian and DC supervise rescue operations* *Ludhiana, March 8* A large-scale rescue operation is currently underway to extract six workers who are trapped after the roof of a factory in Focal Point Phase 8 collapsed late Saturday evening. The operation involves multiple agencies, including two teams from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), as well as local police, health officials, the fire and factories departments, and the Municipal Corporation Ludhiana. All these teams are working together to rescue the six workers trapped beneath the debris. Revenue Minister Hardeep Singh Mundian and Deputy Commissioner Jitendra Jorwal are personally overseeing the rescue efforts at the site of the collapse. They emphasized that the top priority is to rescue the six trapped workers. Initially, seven workers were reported to be trapped, but one has already been rescued unhurt and shifted to the hospital. They also urged the public to allow the rescue teams to operate without interference. The Deputy Commissioner stated that the health department has been instructed to deploy medical teams and ambulances on a 24-hour basis at the site until the operations are complete. Municipal Corporation, Fire Safety department have also been directed to depute their additional staff there round the clock.


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