**congress Targets Punjab's Issues Through Dr. Manmohan Singh's Letter: Devendra Yadav And Pawan Khera Criticize Central Government**

May30,2024 | Gautam Jalandhari | Chandigarh

**Congress Targets Punjab's Issues through Dr. Manmohan Singh's Letter: Devendra Yadav and Pawan Khera Criticize Central Government**

**Shri Devendra Yadav, AICC Incharge Punjab Congress, and Shri Pawan Khera, Chairman Media and Publicity Department AICC, addressed a press conference on important issues at Punjab Congress Bhawan, Chandigarh**

Chandigarh, May 30, 2024: At a significant press conference held at Punjab Congress Bhawan, Chandigarh, AICC Incharge Punjab Congress Shri Devendra Yadav and AICC Chairman Media and Publicity Department Shri Pawan Khera read out a letter from former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. Through this letter, Dr. Manmohan Singh expressed his concerns regarding Punjab and the issues affecting Punjabi culture.

**Shri Pawan Khera Shared Dr. Manmohan Singh's Appeal**

Shri Pawan Khera said, "Through his letter, Dr. Manmohan Singh has appealed to the people of Punjab to vote for unity so that the country can progress successfully. Punjabis are known for their bravery and patriotism, but in the past 10 years, attempts have been made to suppress Punjab."

**Shri Devendra Yadav Presented Key Points of the Letter**

Reading from Dr. Manmohan Singh's letter, Shri Devendra Yadav said, "Dr. Manmohan Singh has expressed concern over the attempts to suppress Punjab and Punjabi culture in the past 10 years. Today, the average income of a farmer in the country is only 27 rupees, while the government came to power promising to double the income of farmers."

**Discussion on Farmers' Issues and Debt Waiver**

Dr. Manmohan Singh also discussed the issue of farmers' debt waiver in his letter. "During the UPA government, 72 thousand crore rupees of farmers' debt was waived, and work was done on MSP. The Swaminathan report and the law on MSP were discussed for the benefit of farmers, along with the idea of exempting farmers from GST."

**Emphasis on Jobs and MNREGA**

In his letter, Dr. Manmohan Singh wrote, "Our government initiated MNREGA, which increased GDP. One reason for the lack of jobs today is the issue of paper leaks. Our government will create 30 lakh government jobs and provide permanent employment."

**Criticism of Agniveer Scheme**

Dr. Manmohan Singh criticized the Agniveer scheme, stating, "The Agniveer scheme will be abolished, and recruitment in the army will be conducted as before. The slogan 'Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan' is given in Punjab, and work will be done in this direction."

**Criticism of Prime Minister Narendra Modi**

Dr. Manmohan Singh criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying, "Prime Minister Modi has diminished the dignity of his office. By making false and misleading statements, he has insulted the Prime Minister's chair. Therefore, there should be an election for a government that can run the country properly."

**Support from Congress Leaders**

On this occasion, Shri Devendra Yadav also shared his views, saying, "Concrete steps will be taken to resolve farmers' issues. Farmers in Punjab and Himachal should receive their due rights for their hard work. We will ensure that farmers get a fair price for their produce and are freed from debt."

Shri Pawan Khera also spoke to the media, saying, "Our party stands with the farmers, and we will support them in every struggle. The current government made promises to farmers but did not fulfill them. We need to unite and elect a government that truly works for the welfare of farmers and the common people."

All the Congress leaders present on this occasion supported the views of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Shri Devendra Yadav, and Shri Pawan Khera and demanded that the central government reconsider these issues.

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