Meeting Of The Administrative Advisory Council (transport) Held Under The Chairmanship Of Mp Manish Tewari

Jan1,2025 | Gautam Jalandhari | Chandigarh

A meeting of Administrator Advisory Council (On Transport) was held today under the Chairmanship of Sh. Manish Tiwari, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Chandigarh. 
The meeting was attended by the Senior Superintendent of Police (Traffic), U.T., Chandigarh, Joint Secretary-cum-Director Transport, U.T., Chandigarh, Chief Engineer/Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh, Chief Engineer, U.T., Chandigarh, Chief Architect, U.T., Chandigarh, Secretary/State Transport Authority, U.T., Chandigarh, and member of Sh. Radhey Shyam Garg and Representative of CREST and MC Department. 

Various issues pertaining to Transport Department were discussed during the meeting. 
Regarding the regulation of Auto rickshaw registration and safety issues the chair was apprised that the 5000 Auto-ricksaw has been registered in Punjab and Haryana respectively.
The Chairperson asked for a detailed appraisal about the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in the City . He pointed out that most of the EV Charging points had either been vandalised or were non functional. 
Chairperson further pointed out that without an EV Public infrastructure in place that is sustainable, viable and cost efficient no green transition in the transport Sector is possible. 
Regarding imposition of congestion tax on outside city vehicles the Chairperson was of the view that it was an obtuse proposal and not suitable for the Indian Mileau. A Congestion Tax could work in Central London but Chandigarh was not Central London.

The Committee was apprised that the proposal regarding repeal of passenger good tax had been sent to government of India since a motor vehicle Tax and GST constitute a double whammy and tantamount to Dual Taxation. How’s the reply in this regard is still awaited from Government of India. As and when the reply is received from Govt. Of India, further action will be taken accordingly. It was decided not to go ahead with the said agenda . 

Regarding paid parking commercial area residential area parking lots it has been apprised by the Member Secretary that residential area of Sector 35 had been selected as a pilot project for implementation of parking policy to address the parking problem. 

The Chief Architect, Union Territory, Chandigarh suggested the master plan 2030 may be modified for further may future aspects. The Chairman asked to re-examine building by law's so that they could be suitably amended to to allow stilt parking.  A report in this regard must be submitted   in 45 days  .

Regarding public transport services that Chairman desired that the grid system may be reviewed immediately as implemented earlier in the tri-city. 
It was directed to carry a survey to see the feasibility of reviving grid pattern in Public transportation in Chandigarh.  

Regarding up-gradation and re-planning of Transport area the President Chandigarh Transportation Association, apprised that the transport needs to be re-planned  keeping in view the future requirement of transport trade. The Chairman asked a site visit with SSP (Traffic) CE/UT Chandigarh Chief Engineer/MC to explore the feasibility. 

Regarding MRTS for Chandigarh it has been apprised that in the last meeting of Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority It has been decided by the UMTA that the metro rail comparison like Ahmedabad, Kochi, Jaipur, Noida may be studied. It was directed that the report in this regard be apprised in this committee for taking further necessary decision. The Chairperson stated that when you plan for a city or a regional paradigm like the Tricity you need to look at things in a Thirty year perspective. Without a MRTS system encompassing and traversing the four cities of Chandigarh, Mohali , New Chandigarh and Panchkula the economic potential of this region would never be leveraged. He directed that it should be conveyed to the UMTA that they should ask GOI for to make the Four City Metro project as a grant based project. 
Regarding traffic congestion in industrial area from Plot No. 722 to 788 member of Sh. Radheshyam Garg, apprised that there are five streets in this area and due to dead end all the commercial vehicle have to drive in reverse mode to exit from this area. 

The Chairperson directed that this problem be taken up with the officials of the Railway Department so that an appropriate solution may be found.

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