Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission Tariff Orders For Fy 2024-25 For Pspcl & Pstcl

Jun14,2024 | Jagrati Lahar Bureau | Chandigarh

The Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Tariff Orders containing tariff/charges for FY 2024-25 vide Orders dated 14.06.2024. In the Orders, the Commission has determined the true-up of FY 2022-23, ARR for FY 2024- 25 and Determination of Tariff/charges applicable for FY 2024-25 in respect of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) and Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL). The Commission has decided to make the new tariff/charges applicable w.e.f. 16th June, 2024 up to 31st March 2025. For the period w.e.f. 1st April, 2024 to 15th June, 2024, Tariff/Charges shall be applicable as per the Tariff Order for FY 2023-24. PSPCL had submitted an ARR (Aggregate Revenue Requirement) petition seeking an ARR of Rs. 53360.48 Crore projecting that it has a revenue deficit of Rs. 5419.82 Crore up to FY 2024-25 (Rs. 6977.98 Crore deficit of FY 2022-23 - Rs. 1558.16 Crore surplus during FY 2024-25) and had requested for an increase in tariff accordingly. However, the Commission has determined a revenue gap of Rs. 654.35 Crore after the requisite and thorough prudence check and allowing for previous period dues of Rs. 4072.27 Crore. Thus, the Commission has determined an additional revenue requirement of Rs. 654.35 Crore instead of Rs. 5419.82 Crore sought by PSPCL. The ACoS (Average Cost of Supply) for FY 2024-25 works out to 715.55 paise/kWh which is 1.59% higher than the ACoS of 704.34 Paise/kWh as determined in the Tariff Order for FY 2023-24, resulting in an increase of approximately 11 paise/unit over the average cost of supply of FY 2023-24. Accordingly, the ARR determined for FY 2024-25 will be Rs. 44239.14 Crore and the projected net revenue to PSPCL from the announced tariff during FY 2024-25 will be Rs. 48467.72 Crore thus clearing the previous deficit determined and allowed by the Commission. Salient Features 1. The new tariff will be applicable from 16.06.2024 to 31.03.2025, with the previous year’s tariff being effective up to 15.06.2024. 2. Minimal increase in the charges to ensure that consumers do not feel burdened. 3. The Commission decides to extend the kVAh Tariff and Contract Demand 2 system from 01.01.2025 for the Domestic Supply (DS) consumers with load exceeding 20 kW. 4. “Voltage Rebate” has been continued with the base energy charges of Rs. 5.31/kVAh. 5. In mixed load industry, PIU loads having installed / connected kVA rating up to 100 kVA are not being considered as PIU load. This has been further extended during FY 2024-25 also. 6. Special night tariff with 50% Fixed Charges for all (LS/MS/SP) industrial consumers using electricity exclusively during the night hours of 10:00 PM to 06:00 AM next morning has also been continued. This year’s variable energy charge has been fixed as Rs. 5.31/kVAh. 7. On the demand of the industry, the facility for use of electricity by the night category consumers during the extended 4 hours of 06:00 AM to 10:00 AM at normal tariff has also been continued. 8. Cross-subsidies have been kept within the ±20% limits in line with the provisions of the National Tariff Policy. 9. To merge the tariff for Power Intensive Units and General Industry during FY 2024-25 itself, the Commission has already approved the timelines of implementation of Power Quality Regulations which provides for compensation to be paid by the designated consumers in case the Total Demand Distortion (TDD) values exceed the specified limits to the distribution licensee in the manner as specified by the Commission in the PQ regulations. 10. The Commission has determined the green energy tariff for requisition of RE power by consumers from PSPCL, under the provisions of the Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy through Green Energy Open Access) Rules, 2022 at the reduced rate of Rs. 0.54/kWh ( Rs. 0.27/kWh applicable to such consumers who opt to transfer their green attributes to the DISCOM for the purpose of RPO Compliance) as against the rate of Rs. 0.94/kWh and Rs. 0.47/kWh respectively applicable in the previous year. 11. The Commission has approved the Feed-in-tariff for accounting of Solar Power injection to PSPCL by the Net-Billing/Gross Metering Consumers as Rs. 2.51/kWh. 3 Existing Tariff and the new Tariff for FY 2024-25 (Rs.) Sr. No. Category Existing Tariff. for FY 2023-24 (16.05.2023 to 31.03.2024) continued from 01.04.2024 to 15.06.2024 New Tariff w.e.f. 16.06.2024 to 31.03.2025 Fixed Charges per Month Energy Charges Fixed Charges per Month Energy Charges I II III IV V VI A PERMANENT SUPPLY 1. Domestic Supply Upto 2 kW 0- 100 kWh 50/kW 4.19/kWh 50/kW 4.29/kWh 101 - 300 kWh 6.64/kWh 6.76/kWh Above 300 kWh 7.75/kWh 7.75/kWh Above 2 kW & upto 7 kW 0- 100 kWh 75/kW 4.44/kWh 75/kW 4.54/kWh 101 - 300 kWh 6.64/kWh 6.76/kWh Above 300 kWh 7.75/kWh 7.75/kWh Above 7 kW & upto 20 kW 0- 100 kWh 110/kW 5.34/kWh 110/kW 5.34/kWh 101 - 300 kWh 7.15/kWh 7.15/kWh Above 300 kWh 7.75/kWh 7.75/kWh Above 20 kW & upto 50 kW (applicable upto 31.12.2024) 0- 100 kWh 110/kW 5.34/kWh 110/kW 5.34/kWh 101 - 300 kWh 7.15/kWh 7.15/kWh Above 300 kWh 7.75/kWh 7.75/kWh Above 20 kW/kVA & upto 50 kVA (To be applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2025) All Units 130/kVA 6.75/kVAh 130/kVA 6.75/kVAh Above 50 kW/kVA & upto 100 kVA All Units 130/kVA 6.75/kVAh 130/kVA 6.75/kVAh Above 100 kVA All Units 140/kVA 6.96/kVAh 140/kVA 6.96/kVAh Sri Harmandir Sahib & Sri Durgiana Mandir First 2000 kWh NA Free NA Free Above 2000 kWh 6.41/kWh 6.41/kWh 2. Non-Residential Supply Upto 7 kW 0- 100 kWh 70/kW 6.91/kWh 70/kW 6.91/kWh 101 - 500 kWh 7.17/kWh 7.17/kWh Above 500 kWh 7.75/kWh 7.75/kWh Above 7 kW &upto 20 kW Up to 100 kWh 110/kW 6.91/kWh 110/kW 6.91/kWh 101 - 500 kWh 7.17/kWh 7.17/kWh Above 500 kWh 7.75/kWh 7.75/kWh Above 20 kW/ kVA &upto 100 kVA All Units 130/kVA 6.75/kVAh 130/kVA 6.75/kVAh Above 100 kVA All Units 140/kVA 6.96/kVAh 140/kVA 6.96/kVAh Electric Vehicle Charging Stations All Units NA 6.28/kVAh NA 6.28/kVAh 3. Industrial Power Supply a. Small Power Upto 20 kVA All Units 105/kVA 5.67/kVAh 110/kVA 5.82/kVAh b. Medium Supply Above 20 kVA & upto 100 kVA All Units 140/kVA 6.10/kVAh 145/kVA 6.25/kVAh c. Large Supply General Industry Above 100 kVA &upto 1000 kVA All Units 215/kVA 6.45/kVAh 220/kVA 6.60/kVAh Above 1000 kVA &upto 2500 kVA All Units 275/kVA 6.55/kVAh 280/kVA 6.70/kVAh Above 2500 kVA All Units 315/kVA 6.67/kVAh 320/kVA 6.82/kVAh 4 Sr. No. Category Existing Tariff. for FY 2023-24 (16.05.2023 to 31.03.2024) continued from 01.04.2024 to 15.06.2024 New Tariff w.e.f. 16.06.2024 to 31.03.2025 Fixed Charges per Month Energy Charges Fixed Charges per Month Energy Charges I II III IV V VI PIU Industry Above 100 kVA &upto 1000 kVA All Units 220/kVA 6.49/kVAh 225/kVA 6.64/kVAh Above 1000 kVA &upto 2500 kVA All Units 305/kVA 6.80/kVAh 310/kVA 6.95/kVAh Above 2500 kVA All Units 345/kVA 6.89/kVAh 350/kVA 7.04/kVAh d For use of electricity exclusively during night hours applicable for industrial consumers (Large Supply/Medium Supply/Small Power) 10 PM to 06 AM (next day) 50% of Fixed Charges specified under relevant category 5.24/kVAh 50% of Fixed Charges specified under relevant category 5.31/kVAh 06 AM to 10 AM Normal Energy charges (throughout the year) Normal Energy charges (throughout the year) 4. Bulk Supply LT All Units 260/kVA 7.01/kVAh 260/kVA 7.01/kVAh HT All Units 340/kVA 6.78/kVAh 340/kVA 6.78/kVAh 5. Railway Traction All Units 360/kVA 7.17/kVAh 360/kVA 7.17/kVAh 6. Public Lighting All Units 135/kW 7.79/kWh 135/kW 7.79/kWh 7. Agricultural Pumpset (AP) All Units 6.55/kWh or 6.70/kWh or 485/BHP/ month 492/BHP/ month 8. AP High Technology/ High Density Farming All Units NA 6.55/kWh NA 6.70/kWh 9. Compost/ Solid Waste Management Plants for Municipalities of Urban Local Bodies & Water Supply Schemes All Units 65/kVA 5.26/kVAh 65/kVA 5.30/kVAh 10. Charitable Hospitals set-up under PwD Act All Units 100/kVA 6.00/kVAh 100/kVA 6.00/kVAh 11. Start up Power for Generators and CPPs All Units NA 7.81/kVAh NA 7.81/kVAh B SEASONAL INDUSTRY (as per Condition 18 of General Conditions of Tariff): a) During Season Small Power All Units 210/kVA Same as applicable to corresponding General Industry 220/kVA Same as applicable to corresponding General Industry Medium Supply All Units 280/kVA 290/kVA Large Supply 101-1000 kVA All Units 430/kVA 440/kVA 1001-2500 kVA 550/kVA 560/kVA > 2500 kVA 630/kVA 640/kVA b) During Off Season (SP/MS/LS) All Units Nil Nil C ICE FACTORIES & CANDIES AND COLD STORAGES a) During April to July Small Power All Units 210/kVA Same as applicable to correspond- ding General Industry 220/kVA Same as applicable to correspond- ding General Industry Medium Supply All Units 280/kVA 290/kVA Large Supply All Units 430/kVA 440/kVA b) During August to March Small Power All Units 53/kVA 55/kVA Medium Supply All Units 70/kVA 73/kVA Large Supply All Units 108/kVA 110/kVA D TEMPORARY SUPPLY (All Categories) All Units 1.25 times the charges (highest slab in case of slab rates) specified under the relevant schedule for permanent supply corresponding to the sanctioned load /contract demand 1.25 times the charges (highest slab in case of slab rates) specified under the relevant schedule for permanent supply corresponding to the sanctioned load /contract demand Fixed Charge (unless otherwise specified in Schedule of Tariff) shall be levied on 80% of the sanctioned load or contract demand (actual demand recorded, if higher) as may be applicable. In addition to energy charges; FCA, Voltage Surcharge/Rebate and ToD Tariff shall be applicable in accordance with conditions 8, 13 and 15 respectively of General Conditions of Tariff (Annexure-I of the Tariff Order) 5 Notes: (i) The Schedules of Tariff with tariff rates and other details for various categories of consumers as approved by the Commission are as per Annexure II of the Tariff Order. These Schedules shall be read with the updated provisions of General Conditions of Tariff approved by the Commission as per Annexure I of the Tariff Order; (ii) Cooperative Group Housing Societies/ Employers availing single point supply under PSERC (Single Point Supply to Co-operative Group Housing Societies/Employers) Regulations will be levied fixed charges as applicable to Domestic Supply consumers with load exceeding 100 kVA. A rebate of 12% (Twelve percent) will be admissible on electricity charges, comprising of fixed and energy charges, in addition to any other rebate as may be applicable. (iii) A Franchisee appointed by licensee for a particular area in its area of supply as per 7th proviso to Section 14 of the Electricity Act read with Regulations 6.6.2 of the Supply Code 2014, shall be eligible for rebate on electricity charges as per the franchisee agreement between the parties read with Orders of the Commission, if any.


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