Flood Arrangements- Dc Holds Coordination Meeting With Indian Army And Ndrf

Jun27,2024 | Gautam Jalandhari | Ludhiana

Deputy Commissioner Sakshi Sawhney on Thursday held a coordination meeting with the Indian Army and National Disaster Response Force for making adequate arrangements ahead of monsoon season.

Chairing a meeting with officials of the Indian Army and NDRF, the DC instructed the officials of administration to constantly coordinate with them via WhatsApp group to closely monitor the situations in the monsoon season. She said that the administration would share details of vulnerable and sensitive areas with them where their services might be required in case of floods. She stated that the Indian Army and NDRF have better technical expertise in case of rescue operations during floods. She also said that the administration would keep coordination with them to ensure better preparations ahead of the monsoon season.

The DC also asked NDRF and Army officials to take stock of sensitive places along with administration teams.

The NDRF and Army officials also said that they had set up their own control rooms in this regard and assured fulsome support to the administration.

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